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Shanghai Hecaray Technology Limited

       Shanghai Hecaray Technology is incubated by a team of academicians from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and jointly developed elderly health monitoring equipment with the Third Class Affiliated Hospital of Jiao Tong University. It achieves medical level health monitoring of multiple vital sign parameters with "no user perception, full health perception". It provides users with professional and reliable management of cardiovascular and chronic diseases and indoor safety, and uses AI technology to provide services and support for doctors and users


The product utilizes innovative technologies such as ultra-high precision millimeter wave sensing front-end and high-precision signal extraction algorithms to obtain medical grade physiological data such as respiratory curves, quasi single lead electrocardiograms, and quasi cardiac shock waves in a non-contact manner, thereby achieving long-term monitoring and recognition of high-risk chronic heart and lung diseases in the elderly, such as respiratory pauses, asthma, and arrhythmia, without the need for operation or wearing, truly achieving user friendliness for the elderly population


• Transformation of scientific and technological achievements at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, research achievements of top millimeter wave technology academician team • Core members of the team come from Google, Huawei, Bain Consulting, etc., with rich technical, product, and commercial experience • Integrated software and hardware full stack millimeter wave radar technology capabilities, with nearly 30 domestic and foreign invention patents • Senseless acquisition of cardiovascular and pulmonary health information through remote sensing, Proposed a "Doppler echocardiography" that can be compared to electrocardiograms • Bioradar pioneering team, published top tier journal papers in 2010, and radar respiratory gating technology in 2012 • Conducted clinical testing at multiple affiliated hospitals of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Southwest Cancer Research Center in the United States.