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24GHz millimeter wave ranging radar

RKB1175 is an IoT radar module designed based on Shanghai SGR Microelectronics 24G radar chip SRK1101, which can be applied in the fields of home appliances, lighting, industry, and other IoT fields.

This system utilizes the frequency difference between electromagnetic wave transmission and reception signals to detect the distance of moving targets. The 24GHz electromagnetic wave signal is emitted by the transmitting antenna. When encountering a moving object at a certain distance, the electromagnetic wave signal will reflect back to the 24GHz electromagnetic wave signal with a certain delay. The reflected signal is received by the receiving antenna, and the intermediate frequency signal with the target distance signal is obtained by mixing the received signal and the transmitting signal. Calculation and analysis of this intermediate frequency signal can obtain the distance information of the moving object. When a moving object is detected, a low level is output, and when there is no moving object, a high level is output.